Thursday, March 26, 2009


Favourite all time movie: Many
I love to wear: shirt,pant
I love to eat: Anything cooked by my mother
Dieting: No, not at all
Happy moment: Smiling faces of my parents
Scary moment: The thought of being hated
I despise: Hypocrisy
Dream women: The women who possesses a strong personality. She who knows the basic essence of love and is capable of maintaining a beautiful relationship with the members of my family.
Idea of love: The feeling which inspires to live and dream
Weakness: Love
Strength: Family bond
Perfume: Rajanigondha
Car: When I will buy a car, I will also buy Allion.
Favorite pastime: Sleeping, Reading and listening to music. Sharing time with my parents and Friends.
Music I love: Moods determine modes
Sentimental about: Anything linked with my family
Holiday resort: Where the mountains meet the sea
Belief: Allah,my parents and myself
Color: Green, blue, magenta etc.
Motto: Life is a stage, play your part sincerely
Message to fans: Don’t forget your roots.
Dreams: I draw a picture of what should happen in the days to come and act accordingly.